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Privacy Statement

Believe it or not, some of the stuff on this page is at least semi-entertaining.  So, if you've made it this far, please induldge me and read ahead.


General Privacy

This site is maintained as an information resource for anyone interested in learning about me, Greg Stenberg.  All I ask is that nothing here be used against me for blackmail or extortion.

There are several forms throughout this site that ask for information from you should you decide to enter it.  Some of this information is stored in databases that provide various types of functionality to this site.  The sole purpose of this information is to facilitate site functionality and to allow me and, in some cases, other visitors to this site to interact with you.  Rest assured that the information you provide will NEVER EVER be distributed, sold or otherwise knowlingly disseminated to any other person, group or entity.



I hate it.  You hate it.  Everbody freakin' hates spam...except for the dirty lowlife weenie-washin' scumbag, "I'm a total friggin' loser and can't seem to do anything productive or worthwhile" spammers.  And I swear, I'll slowly, brutally and painfully end the life of anyone that openly admits to engaging in such practices.  And I'll enjoy every second of it.  Because of this hideous pain-in-everyone's-ass nuisance, steps have been taken to protect e-mail addresses that might be listed as links anywhere on this site.  Also because of spam, rather than posting my own e-mail address here, I've implemented forms to send me e-mail from the site.  Why?  Spambots.  Spambots are programs written and used by scumbag spammers with the purpose of surfing the Internet and harvesting e-mail addresses left open with the "mailto:" HTML tag.  I know in the past I've received some spam because my e-mail addresses used to be easily available to spambots on other sites.  So, I've taken steps to help protect everyone's e-mail addresses so as to help reduce the possibility that e-mail addresses left here will be harvested.


Non-Personally Identifiable Information

This web application automatically collects certain non-personally identifiable information when you visit this site, such as the type of web browser in use, the IP address browser requests originate from, the type of operating system and version that is running on your computer, and the domain name (if available) of the ISP you use. This information is used to monitor potential hackers and other lowlifes who try to attack my stuff. Well...that's only part of the truth. I also use the information not only for security logging and tracking purposes, but also to help track site utilization and determine the best ways to deliver the content of this site.


Copyright Info & Other Quasi-Legal Crap

All material contained within this site (including, but definitely not limited to, text, images, graphics, pictures, HTML, PHP, Java, Javascript and other scripts - basically anything you read, look at, run, execute, or otherwise use during the course of your visit to these pages) is the property of All site contents are © Copyright 2008 until forever and ever, Amen, and all rights are definitely reserved.


Legal Crapola

It sucks that our society has gotten so litigious, but it is an unfortunate fact of modern life.  Everybody looking for the easy buck.  So here are all the disclaimers and other crap the lawyers make us say...more or less...

All opinions expressed within this site are solely those of the author. If you like and agree with my opinions, great, because it means you're cool like me and are more than welcome to keep visiting my site. If you don't like my opinions...well, you can piss off and go whine about your miserable existence to someone else, because I don't care, and I refuse to listen to your pathetic moaning. 

With respect to any advice, directions, or instructions given within these pages, I absolutely refuse to accept any responsibility for anything that might go wrong or otherwise cause damage or harm to life, limb, psyche or property. And that includes the life, limbs, psyche and property that might be yours, your friend's, your dog's, your mom's neighbor, or anyone other creature on this planet we call Earth. All things mentioned here are "use-at-your-own-risk." To put it another way, if you singe your hair or eyebrows, burn down your house, blow up your friend's car, kill your neighbor's dog, or whatever didn't go according to whatever half-baked plan you may have had, don't try to blame me - its your own friggin' fault!  Period.  Don't think I can make it any clearer than that, legal jargon or no.

Oh, one other thing. There might be occasions in pages I publish along the way were the names, graphics and/or logos of other companies or entities are included. If you see one, please take note that the name and/or graphic(s) is copyright of whoever the name/graphic might belong to at this particular point in time, and that I used the name/graphic with permission (either explicitly or implicitly). I don't know if a blanket statement like that would hold up or not since I'm writing this before I actually have any names or graphics, but it sure sounds good, and its the thought that counts, right?



I'm all about sharing. Mi casa es su casa. Well, maybe not totally...especially if you don't bother to clean up your dirty dishes, your feet stink, or you have gas worse than me...but you get the idea. If you see something on this site that you like and want to use it or link to it on your own site or elsewhere, please feel free to ask me, because most likely I'll say yes. Like I said, I like to share. However, please DO NOT just blindly take something and use it without asking. If you don't ask and I find some of my stuff on your site down the road, well, did I mention that ass whoopin' is one of my favorite passtimes?

After you've visited this site and seen what's in it, I think you'll agree that a lot of hard work and countless hours went into making it. I'm a network and systems guy by trade, not a code slinger, and that definitely added countless more hours - and a LOT of beer - to the development of this site...but I digress. The point here is that I ask you - beg you - to respect the work by asking my permission before blindly using or directly linking to any content or portion of this web site.


Thanks a million!

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