
Hello everyone!  I know it has been quite a while since I've updated...well...anything on this site.  Been busy with many different things:  work, home remodeling projects (some of which I'll detail here on this site at some point during this millennium), and some travel.  In fact, I've been so busy (and perhaps a little unmotivated?) that I have a trip story and a bunch of photos from my September 2012 trip to England and Scotland that I still need to finish and publish at some point!

So what got me off dead center to get a total site upgrade/migration done?  Well...the old version of the site was declared old and unsecure by my hosting provider.  They said they'd continue to let the site operate, but if the site were hacked and became a problem, they'd suspend my account.  Luckily that didn't (hasn't) happened, but I've been thinking for a while that I needed to upgrade to a later version of the CMS I use to manage the content on this site (Joomla!).  I was on an old platform that was the latest and greatest when I initially deployed this site several years ago, and while I kept it updated and patched, they eventually moved on to newer versions and essentially stopped supporting my version.  I hemmed and hawed about it, procrastinating and putting it off because I knew it was going to be a LOT of work - especially where my named, commented and geotagged photos were concerned.  Well, the notice from the hosting provider finally got me off dead center, and viola!  Here's the new site on the latest and greatest version (available right now, anyway) of Joomla!  I took the opportunity to redesign my logo, and the site has a new look and feel.  Unfortunately, though, it still has most of the same, boring and mostly useless content as the old site.  Smile  I'm still working a few kinks and bugs out, so bear with me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new site and its new look and feel.  I know I always promise to do better about keeping content fresher and more up-to-date.  I really do try...when I feel like it and/or have the time.  I'll do my best to get the England/Scotland trip story and photos posted soon, as well as get some info up regarding my recent home remodeling projects.  Until then...